The Writer’s Epiphany Notebook - Fantasy Cover

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We've designed a system to organize your thoughts without changing your process. The only difference is, you’ll actually find your ideas later.

It’s such a simple solution we’re amazed more notebooks don’t come with it. Numbered pages and an index to record what’s on each page means that you'll always be able to find your ideas!

Every time you add content, simply flip to the index and record the page number with the project name and a short description. 

We’ve also made sure this notebook contains:

Exclusive cover art with a motivational message tailored to your genre.

Lined pages for notes.

Blank pages for maps and character sketches.

Dotted pages for charts, timelines, and diagrams.

The hardcover has a glossy finish for that extra fancy look.

The coil bound paperback has a matte finish and lays flat for easy writing.

Large size (7x9) with 250 pages, so there’s tons of room for brainstorming, drawing maps, and hastily scribbling notes at 3 am.

Tough binding, so your pages won’t fall out.

    The Writer’s Epiphany Notebook: Every idea for every project, all in one place.